Friday, March 7, 2008

I finally gave in...

My husband (God love him) has been NAGGING me to blog. He blogs quite a bit now and his are always so insightful and thought-provoking...then there's mine. I've titled my little piece 'o the internet "My Small World" because that's what I have - and I'm quite happy with it. If I'm not at work, I'm either at home, at church or out-and-about with my family. They are my whole world. I wouldn't change a thing.

Quite often, I'll find myself looking at one of them and think "I can't believe God chose me to be his wife, or his mother, or her mother!" My husband is following his heart and God's call and is working diligently on his degree in Biblical Studies. (He and I still laugh that he's earning a BS in B.S.!) Anyway, he works a full-time job, a part-time job (he's the AWESOME College & Young Adult Pastor at Lockhart Baptist Church), goes to school and still finds time to be a great Dad to Connor and Daddy to Peyton (not cool to be "Daddy" to a 10-year-old).

Connor is a 10-year-old (actually will be turning 11 in 15 days!) that's going on 16. He and I have such similar personalities it's scary. It's also what causes us to butt heads a lot nowadays. However, I just keep reminding myself he's going through a difficult time learning to live with and deal with hormones - AUGH. I'm not ready for puberty. Just yesterday he was a tiny 3 pound 7 ounce preemie that was in a plastic box in the NICU at Arnold Palmer. Now he's just shy of being as tall as me, has made straight A's his entire "grade school career," is an up-and-coming NBA player (yes, I'm counting on that!) and loves God with all of his heart.

Now with all the testosterone in the house, God decided on May 31, 2006 to bless us with the final piece to our family - a little princess. Peyton Hailey was the baby we hoped and prayed for for over 3 years. Just when we had decided that it was not to be and were working on accepting it (okay, I was having a bit of trouble in this department), we were reminded how faithful God is. After a very guarded pregnancy, she was delivered 2 weeks short of full-term at a healthy 8 1/2 pounds. (Wow, that was different - going from a 3.7 baby to an 8.5 baby - OUCH.)

I doubt anybody reads these because they'll probably put most people to sleep, but I am following my husband's advice and blogging - if for no other reason than to have something to leave for my children to read. So that's the end of my very first blog - all the parts of My Small World.

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